Cecile "Cece" Amelie Rey
DOB: May 28th
“Age”: 13
BFF: All of the Moddies!
Doll: Cecile
Pets: Sassy the Himalayan kitten
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw, with some Slytherin characteristics.
Nerd Specialty: Math, specifically how it relates to languages and cryptanalysis (code-breaking)
About: Bonjour, I am Cecile! I was born and raised in New Orleans, LA until I moved to Seattle recently. I love art and fashion design, and I have started my own line of clothing. I'm also very good at learning different languages. I currently speak both English and French fluently, and I am working on Spanish and Japanese. Someday, I hope to travel the world, possibly as an ambassador, because politics are another interest of mine.
Other things I love include history (it provides great inspiration for fashion!), Sherlock, nerdy fiction/TV shows, the Young Royals series by Carolyn Meyer, books by the Bronte sisters, Disney princesses, and historical dramas. My fashion style is trendy and artsy, with a bit of girly and edgy. My favorite foods are gumbo, beignets, and seafood. You can add me to the list of people who like to LARP and cosplay, too.
Something that drives me crazy? Girls who think everything is either the greatest or worst thing "EVAR"! They also tend to be the girls who blow everything out of proportion and who can't stand a life without drama. Look here, chick, the world does not revolve around your tween problems and your tween problems are not all there is to life. Now, go do something useful and maybe help someone in need and leave me out of your drama. Other things that annoy me are high humidity, fabric that slips while I’m sewing it, pricking myself with pins, and clutter.
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